As frustrated as I get talking to folks at call centers in India -- and it is a frustrating experience 90% of the time-- it is still better than trying to deal with companies who just don't think its important to give customers the option of a phone call.
Just today I wanted to try a new software called Notepager,I discovered it at a blog called Small Business Software which is run by the parent company of Notepager.
The concept sounds great. You install some software, create a recipient list and you can send txt messages via your computer. Why is that important? Primarily because I have a 17 year old daughter whose primary communication method is TXT messaging.
But also, TXT messages are a lot less invasive than the phone and there are many people I deal with in business that don't have a PDA or Blackberry Being able to send a quick TXT message to a regular cell phone is just easier than leaving a voicemail.
The only problem--I can't get it to work. I read the instructions but something is getting lost in the translation of the setup wizard. I am obviously not understanding something that I need to do.
I have tried it three times. I believe in the three strikes and you're out philosophy of doing business.
Yes, they have support forums up the yahzoo but I don't have the time or inclination to figure out which topic will provide me with the answers I need. Once I am at the point where I can't interpret the instructions, I want a translator and that usually means I want someone to talk to.
This company doesn't even have a technical support email system that I can send my questions to. So I sent it to the webmaster.If I don't get an answer soon I will be requesting a refund.
Then there is the design company that requests are discussions about layouts and creative design be conducted through a password protected communication system.
I sent the requirements, expecting the graphic designer would contact me to discuss the project. Instead they presented a layout. It was all wrong.
We gave feedback via their note system and explained what we wanted.They revised.It was still all wrong.
We gave additional feedback. I wanted to call. They don't do business via the phone.They came back with yet another design, and it was still wrong.
My client, who also believes in the three strikes and you're out philosophy of business, has instructed me to send them a note saying the job is cancelled.
Normally it is not something that I would do via a note. However, since that is how they want to do business, that is precisely what I did.
While I understand there is a benefit in having everything written so you have precise documentation, a quick 10 minute phone call would have been all the graphic designer would have needed to understand exactly what we were looking for.
After that call, if the graphic designer wanted to send a note confirming our requests.just for the documentation, then that would have been terrific.
But that's not how they are choosing to do business. Had they just picked up the phone at the beginning of the project, they would have saved time and kept a client.
Image Credit: Flickr image by MireO5
Tags: business, communication, mobile phones, software, advertising, customerservice
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