So there's this alleged resignation email tha a Whole Foods employee in Toronto, Canada sent to the entire company. You can read the email in its entirety on Gothamist.
It takes about 3 minutes to decide this is a very disturbed person and not someone you want working for you.
Yet, Gothamist redacts the employee's name. Why? Gothamist didn't redact the name of the company that the employee was writing about. The employee includes a series of emails he sent to other employees -I can certainly understand redacting their names but this is a vile and disturbing email. Here's just one of his messages to former employees/bosses
How you haven't been fired by now is a massive mystery to, not just me, but many people. You probably belong in a psychiatric ward. If you didn't have such a constant negative impact on everyone around you I might just feel sorry for you. BUT, you've hurt too many people. You create a hostile work environment with your flashes of insane anger and passive (I hesitate to use the word passive...) aggressive behavior. Please, just leave and piss all over the patio at [REDACTED]'s again. Maybe [REDACTED] will help this time. Her childish, two-faced personality suits you quite well. The fact that you still have a job is also a massive failure by your department's leaders as well. I'd be ashamed of being such push-overs who refuse to support good people if I were them. Quite ashamed.
When the employee sent the email to everyone in Whole Foods, you'd think that providing anonymity would not be something that the employee wanted or deserved.
The biggest problem is that the email is going viral and the headlines make it seem like this email is coming from a sane, rational and abused employee. The result - Whole Foods gets bad press and the former employee who could go postal at any moment has his privacy protected.