Would you buy edible shoe polish? A dance-powered portable charger? How about a solar cooler that also serves as a gadget docking station and a speaker for MP3 players?
Are you so addicted to Twitter that you would spend $90 so you could tweet your electrical usage on a regular basis? Trying to figure out why anyone would want to do this, but if tweeting your wattage is your thing, enjoy.
Nerd Approved aka Sean Fallon shared his list of 11 Green Products that are just too silly to take serioiusly. The list is on MSNBC.com. Here's what Fallon had to say about the Tweet-a -Watt.
This open source project can be installed yourself using a $90 kit and a $20 Kill-a-Watt power monitor. Once completed, the system will monitor the energy usage in your home and tweet that information to your Twitter account. So, to recap, you fire up a gadget that lets you brag to your Twitter followers about how little power you are using. Not only is it slightly ironic, it is a very slow way to get popular. $90 adafruit
Other products to make Nerd Approved's list:
Do you have any other products you would like to add to this list? Or do you think Nerd Approved doesn't quite get the elegance of these green inventions?