The caller ID was a 614 number. The person on the other end of the line identified himself as Jeff from the Wall Street Journal. Jeff's job was to get me to start subscribing to the newspaper again. Back in 09 I had an online subscription to the paper, I have never had the paper version delivered because I can't stand all that paper in my house.
As Jeff was waxing on about all the expanded sections and features that are now available in the paper, I interrupted him. " Jeff, I already have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal. I get it on my Kindle.>"
"Well," he said, not missing a beat, "Then the paper version would be an excellent accompaniment to the online version."
"Really?" I said,incredulously, thinking of the $14.99 a month I pay for the privilege of reading the digital version of the paper.
At this point Jeff started to back pedal, explaining he didn't have a Kindle and really had no idea whether I get the full version of the paper or not.
Now normally I would just get my Kindle and check but this week I let my friend Janet borrow the Kindle so she could test it out. I checked my iPod Touch, thinking that it would download there but it turns out that the WSJ doesn't believe in WhisperNet syncing. Evidentl,y if I bought my issue of the WSJ for my Kindle that's the only place I can read it. You've got to be kidding me.
This is making me so cranky. I understand business models. I don't object to paying the $14.99 to read it on my Kindle. I do object to not being able to read it on my iPod touch since I paid for the digital paper, and I do object that the WSJ doesn't purge its databases and had someone calling me to subscribe to the paper when I have a live subscription.