Today is the 104th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's death. I may have known that fact when I was in grade school but it has long been misfiled in that hard drive I call my memory. For me, April 15th has simply become Tax Day and my friend Nancy White's Birthday - Happy Birthday Nancy! Will I remember that it's the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination next year? Wouldn't bet on that.
As it turns out, I know today is the anniversary of Lincoln's death because on Monday I read the final page of Doris Kearn Goodwin's tome to Lincoln, Team Of Rivals.
While there are a lot of things to take away from the book, I left with the distinct impression that these guys would have been all over Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
Guess I'm not the only person who has been thinking about this. offers their take on what historical figures would have tweeted ,if Twitter had been around prior to 2006. Abe Lincoln seems to be a favorite.
Lincoln Asks Twitter Followers For Speechwriting Help
And this final tweet from the Ford Theater
And of course, Abe Lincoln has a Facebook page with "24,000" supporters.