After spending 12 years working with the UN in Central and South America, and the Carribean, Jennifer Britton returned to Canada two years ago and started her own coaching business. Last November Jennifer decided it was time to start blogging. So she started three of them.
There's the Business Toolkit- the "Biz Toolkit focuses on practical tips, tools and ifnormation for your business. The blog shares book reviews and busines news.
Then she writes Group Coaching: Ins and Outs..a blog billed as 'tips, tools, Informaiton and Insights about Group Coaching for Coaches.
The third blog is Your Balanced Life--Information, Resources and Exercises regarding life-work balance and balanced living. Britton's original concept was to blog once or twice a month. She has now revised that thinking and she is committing to posting about twice a week on each blog.
She says her biggest surprise since blogging is it's reach and how many people who she has worked with around the world are now getting back in touch because of the blog. In addition to blogging, Britton who specializes in running group retreats has now begun offering virtual workshops.
Her first was on creativity and in August she is running a 6 hour virtual workshop on Life Balance. Every hour from 10-4 pm eastern time, the group will convene on the phone and in between Britton will give participants exercises to do in their own space. Britton talks about facilitating a virtual retreat in this podcast.
Image Credit: Flickr member Dave Cowie
Cross posted at Blogher