Just as clothes dryers eradicated clothes lines in most backyards ,and CDs overtook the production of Albums, email has put a crimp in old-fashioned letter writing.
Recently, my daughter spent eight weeks in Israel. I didn't send one letter. We talked two or three times a day --thanks to Skype and great international calling rates. I sent emails. But I didn't send a bone fide letter.
She commented on it when she returned. She had expected at least one letter.
Now, there's a Web 2.0 application called Shiny Letter that lets you create your letters on your desktop and then they'll mail it for you.
That's right. There's now a company that is in business that will take the letter you create on your desktop and they'll do all the stuff you may have forgotten how to do... Print it, fold it, put it in the envelope, lick the envelope shut, adhere the stamp and either leave it for your postal officer or actually take it to a mailbox or post office. And they'll do it for a mere $2.00 for a four-page letter.
"ShinyLetter is a very simple service, we have taken a low tech task & put it online, hopefully making your life easier & Grandmothers around the World happier :) Our service allows you to write a postal letter to anyone in the World, we then print out your letter, slip it in an envelope, address it, stamp it & mail it using the postal system. We mail from several locations around the World."
Why would you use it? Well according to Shiny Letter:
Now, there is one aspect of this service that is potentially cool. Shiny Letter has mail drops all over the world. So, it claims that instead of your letter taking weeks to arrive at an international destination, it will just take a couple of days.Of course, I didn't see any real tests of this theory
So Let's Create The Shiny Letter Challenge
I need someone from Europe, Someone from Asia, Someone from Australia, and someone from South America to participate. Here's what you have to do. Email me your address. I will send you three letters. One from Shiny Letter and two from USPS...one via airmail, and one just regular mail. All you have to do is send me an email when you receive each letter.
To participate, just send me an email with your mailing address.
Tags: Web 2.0, communication, business
Hat Tip
To Blogher Emily Chang for including Shiny Letter on her blog eHub.
Image Credit: Flickr image by MoonRhythm
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