It's Friday and this is funny. My friend Janie forwarded this to me via email.
This is just the teaser. The real fun is at
Here's a sampling of their happy cusotomers.
Tanya says, I received an email at 5:10 pm today, Sunday evening, changing my entire work schedule for the month. As I was trying to write a letter of resignation to forward back to my boss which was more than 2 words long, I stopped to check my other emails. One was from my cousin Elaine, who sent me the promo for your drug. As an RN, I about laughed to death, and have decided to give my job another month.
Shea says, Wow, how do I ever begin? Your product means so much to me! Before this, I was always stressed about doing it all. Between home and family obligations, I was going insane. Now, I can take one tiny little pill and say Fukitol!!!
Patrick says, I've tried therapy, Anti-depressants, Anger-Management. I stumbled on to your Website by accident several months ago. After a few days of using the fukitol remedy, I felt better... AMAZING! Fukitol really works... and there are no nasty side effects... no diarrhea... cramps... or worse - limpis penisitis, a common problem with the other "cures". THANKS, FUKITOL!!!
When you stop by there site, you can enter your email. one lucky winner each friday wins a Fukitol poster( I know they're building a database for someone but I don't care --I'm on so many databases now that another one isn't going to reduce the stuff coming into my email box and if i use Fukitol I won't get stressed about it anyway).
They also have Fukitol Gear for sale including posters, t-shirts and my person favorite -- the fukitol keyboard key.