Sometimes you hear a piece of advice that is so good that you feel compelled to pass it forward.
Yesterday, as I was driving to a meeting, I was listening to my favorite all women's radio talk station. The producer had just returned to work the day before. She is suffering from a horrific loss--on July 5th her 3 1/2 month- old daughter Brady died of SIDS.
Being that it's talk radio a lot of people want to talk to her, comfort her, support her in her grief. Anyone listening to Colleen talk about her loss would find it difficult to not be moved to tears over the rawness and depth of that loss, inspired by her strength, and oddly comforted as she talked about how much she loved young Brady.
Colleen also managed to give her listening audience a great piece of advice that all co-workers should try to remember the next time they want to comfort a co-worker who has just lost a child ,had a miscarriage or had an adoption fall through.
Here's the advice. Do talk to the co-worker who is in grief. It helps. However, and this is a big however, avoid starting any sentence that begins AT in at least you are young , at least you can get pregnant again.
There are no AT LEASTS in this kind of pain.